december 16th, 2019

hi future me, it's past you.

i just left my first session with the new therapist. i'm still kinda confused about everything that happened and she told me that it was probably just a delusion

delusions don't feel this real, do they?
i swear i saw what i saw but i don't know. time will tell.

i'm still waiting on myla to hit me up, hopefully i wasn't too harsh on them, and to be fair, international calls are so fucking expensive.

been trying to relax by trying to finally settle at home. its kinda hard mixing up languages and shit, but it's whatever. you'll get used to it.

i keep on overthinking about myla, i'll probably just get some sleep, try to talk around with some people tomorrow? see if anyone ever saw whatever that was before?

been tryna find some new music to listen to, while at it. music helps me stay at ease really. i found this cool band recently. their stuff seems alright.

i'll leave you alone now.

au revoir,